Gravity Forms Kitchen Sink

Step 1 of 2

Bootstrap grid layout

Use Bootstrap column classes for your layout.
width: third
width: third
width: third
width: half
Radio buttons
width: quarter
width: quarter

Bootstrap sizes

Gravity Forms sizes are linked to Bootstrap sizes.
This is a small text-field
This is a standard text-field
This is a large text-field
This is a small select field.
This is a standard select field.
This is a large select field.

Standard fields

This section features all standard fields.
This is a text field with description above inputs.
This is a text field with description below inputs.
This is a text field with a hidden label.
This is a textarea field with small size and max 240 characters.
This is a textarea field and max 240 characters.
This is a textarea field with large size and max 240 characters.
This is a small select field.
This is a standard select field.
This is a large select field.
This is a select field with ‘enhanced user interface’ enabled.
This is a standard Multiselect field
This is a Multiselect field with ‘enhanced user interface’ enabled.

This is an HTML Field.

This is a strong word.

Size small
Size medium
Size large
This is a Checkboxes field with ‘Select all’ option enabled.
Radio Buttons

This is a Radio Buttons field with ‘Other’ option enabled.


This is a name field with some fields enabled. Sub-fields are hidden.
This is a name field with some fields enabled.
This is a name field with all fields enabled.


This is an address field with some fields enabled and sublabel above inputs.
This is an address field with all fields enabled and hidden subfields.

Date & time

This is a Date Drop Down.
This is a Date field.
MM slash DD slash YYYY
This is a Date field.
MM slash DD slash YYYY
This is a Date field with Datepicker with icon.
This is a Time field with 24 hour format.
This is a Time field with 12 hour format and hidden sub-labels.

Email, username & password

This is an Email field.
This is an Email field with Email Confirmation enabled.
Password field
Password with ‘Confirm Password’ enabled.
Strength indicator
This is a password field with all options enabled.